Course Goals: To learn beginner level programming fundamentals, design and user experience basics, and how to build interactive websites efficiently and with modern best practices, and to discover ways that these technologies can be used in other applications apart from the Web.
Introduction to the Internet:
Logistics and introductions
Set up your development environment
Download, install, and configure Chrome
Download, install, and configure Atom
Your first website
“Hello World!”
How the web works
Brief history of the internet/web
Origins of programming, computing
W3C, ICANN, etc.
Brief overview of web architecture
Protocols (http, ssh, ftp)
Request/Response cycle
Hosting and DNS
Elements, tags, forms, links, structure, etc.
Attributes, content, hierarchy
Classes, introduce CSS
Build a basic website
Basic UX principles and best practices
“Above the fold”
Relationship to HTML
Custom Styling
CSS Animations
Build a website with what we’ve learned
Data Structures
Build a little game
jQuery and Dynamic Data:
DOM traversal
Selecting and manipulating elements
Build an app that hits a backend
Beyond the Web:
Using JS for native mobile (react native, phonegap)
Right click anywhere in the page and choose the “Inspect” option.
You can click around and look at the code for what is creating the stuff on the site. This is how people learned how to create web pages in the early days - by looking at how other people did it first.
Right click anywhere in the page and choose the “View Page Source” option.
This is not as interactive as “Inspect,” but gives a full high level overview of how a web page is structured.
We will go over the dev tools more as we progress through the class.
Text editors are like word processors, but for code. They are useful for editing and reading all types of code, and there are many different editors. We are using Atom for a number of reasons, mainly it’s easy set up and learning curve.
Poke around the settings a bit, and select Packages then search for “autosave.” Click the option that comes up, and look for the “enable” checkbox and check it. Now your files will save whenever you leave the window! Feel free to install other themes and packages you like if you feel like it.
Check out their flight manual for more information about Atom and how to use and customize it.
Create a new directory (aka folder) on your desktop or somewhere you can easily access it. Name it “week1” or something similar.
In Atom, go to File > Add project folder then find and select your newly created week1 folder. When you see the folder in the left section, right click it and select “New file.” Name the file “index.html,” and open it.
Type “Hello World!” in the file, save it, and double click the file in the location you created it. It should open up in Chrome, and now you’ve created your first website!
But, it’s not exactly proper HTML. Lets add an HTML tag so the browser can make more sense of it.
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
Save it, and reload your browser. It should be big and bold.
Now we need to add the bones of the structure of an HTML page that will make it work online. Go to html5-boilerplate and look at the code there. We only need to use a few pieces of this for our site.
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<!doctype html> <htmlclass="no-js"lang=""> <head> <metacharset="utf-8"> <metahttp-equiv="x-ua-compatible"content="ie=edge"> <title>Coding For Rookies</title> <metaname="description"content="Coding for rookies Lifelong Learning U of U"> <metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> </head> <body> <h1>Hello world! This is Coding for Rookies.</h1> </body> </html>
Now you have your first real website.
History of computing and the Internet
The history of computing, begins with the first programmer, Ada Lovelace, and the first “computer,” Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine which Ada conceptualized the idea of programming for over snail-mail correspondence in the early 1800s. Alan Turing brought the idea back to life in the 1930s.
Computers started gaining traction in the WWII era while funding was abundant and were the size of rooms and used vacuum tubes until transistors became mass produced.
The difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web is important to note. The Web exists in the Internet among a number of other things like email, file sharing, and others.
Tim Berners-Lee is credited as the inventor of the World Wide Web in 1989 and Hyptertext some years before that. He also built the first web browser and the first web site went online in 1991.
Tim also created HTML and HTTP, two important backbones of the Web.
Governing bodies of the Internet
There are several governing bodies of the Internet that operate globally and keep things moving smoothly and within standards.
Two of the most powerful governers are ICANN, which controls the naming of domains and their IP addresses, and the W3C, which is led by Berners-Lee and creates and regulates the standards of the World Wide Web, including which languages and styles are used and read by browsers and how these evolve.
Relationship between hardware and software
When we write code for the Web, we are basically going several levels of abstraction above the hardware, with the programing language eventually telling the circuits when and where to allow the electrical pulses through. This is what binary (1s and 0s) is, 1 means allow the electrical pulse through (on) and 0 means don’t (off).
These electrical pulses decide what your machine does from saving form data from a web page to flicking on the right pixels on your monitor.
How the Internet and Web work
The Web’s architecture is built around a Request-Response cycle, in which a client (in our case a browser or user) makes a request to a server - like to get a URL of your friend’s Facebook profile page, and then the server sends back a response - like returning the HTML code of your friend’s Facebook profile page.
If you want to host your projects for the class, set up a Dropbox account and then try out the free trial of Site44. All you have to do is follow the instructions given, which mainly consist of replacing the index.html file in the newly created Site44 folder in your Dropbox.
There are many other ways to host web pages, but this is among the easiest.
If you want to purchase custom domain names, I recommend iwantmyname. You can easily hook it up to hosting services like Site44 to route to your domain, among other apps you might need in the future.
Extra resources
My favorite computer history book is The Innovators by Walter Isaacson. It is a fantastic biography of many of the biggest names in computing.
Learn more about the Chrome Developer Tools by checking out this Code School tutorial. This is something you can do one lesson at a time keeping up with the class if you’re interested.
Create a new folder called “week2” and open it up in Atom by selecting File > Add project folder. Then create a new file in that folder by right-clicking it and selecting “New file.” Name the file “index.html” and select it.
Copy the HTML from last week (at the end of step 3 in the previous article) and paste it into the new file.
Now we will introduce some new HTML tags. First, lets look at the <img> tag, which is for images. <img>elements don’t require a closing tag because they can’t have any content, since all their information is contained within it’s attributes. Let’s put an image on our page right below the <h1> tag:
The src attribute is the source of the image we want. It can be within our website directory, or a URL from somewhere else on the web like in our case where we get a placeholder image from The numbers in that URL correspond to the width and height of the image respectively.
The alt attribute is the alternate text that would show up if the image couldn’t be found or is broken, and what screen readers will use to read instead of the image.
Save and reload your page. You should see a cute kitten!
Before we move on, lets add another useful package to Atom. From the menu bar, select Atom > Preferences, then click “install” on the tree in the left. Search for “Emmet,” and click “install” when it pops up.
Now when you start typing the name of an HTML tag (without it’s first bracket), a little popup will show next to the cursor and you can click the item that shows up or press “enter” to have the element autocomplete. This is super useful to speed up writing your HTML. It will autocomplete many of the common attributes in the tags, so stick to the following examples to remove or add attributes as necessary.
Below our new <img> tag, lets create a web form. We’ll put a few input fields in there, and post the form to a back end - which will be our own email in this case - using formspree which will be the value of the action attribute:
There are many different form elements in which a user can input information. We are focusing only on a few to keep it simple.
The <label> tag names our <input>s and it’s for attribute corresponds with the <input>‘s name attribute.
Save and reload your page. You should see a form with a button under the kitten.
Notice the email field will validate that there is an @ symbol, or it will show an error. This is because the <input> tag’s type attribute specifies that it is an email field.
Posting the form
If you have Site44 set up as shown in the last part of the notes for Week 1, you can create a new site in it and replace the index.html file in that folder with the one in week2 which you’re working in.
Now fill out the form and click submit. You should receive an email at the address in the action attribute with the form contents!
You can try submitting the form even if the site isn’t hosted, but it will take you to a page that says it needs to be online in order to work. If you get that far you know you did it right anyway.
Time to make our page look like a real web page and improve the ugly default styling.
Google search “bootstrap cdn” and click the first link. Then, under “Complete CSS,” click the arrow dropdown. Copy the long <link> tag in the field under the “HTML” portion. Paste this tag at the bottom of your <head>, just above the closing </head> tag and below the last <meta> tag, so it looks like this:
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<head> <metacharset="utf-8"> <metahttp-equiv="x-ua-compatible"content="ie=edge"> <title>Coding For Rookies</title> <metaname="description"content="Coding for rookies Lifelong Learning U of U"> <metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <linkhref=""rel="stylesheet"integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u"crossorigin="anonymous"> </head>
Now we will add a few <div> wrapper elements and apply some class attributes throughout our page to improve the styling.
First, wrap the entire content of the <body> into a “container,” with <div class="container"> at the top and the closing </div> tag at the bottom of the <body>. This will give nice margins to our page.
Find the “Forms” section in Bootstrap’s documentation, and look at the example. The nice fonts, softened inputs with focus highlights, etc. Thats what we want our form to look like, so we’ll implement the elements and class names around the elements as shown in the example.
Find the “Buttons” section and lets add class="btn btn-primary" to the <button> element to make it more prominent. The type="submit" implicitly tells the form to run it’s action attribute.
Finally, lets wrap our 2 elements above the <form> into a class="jumbotron" to separate them from the page with some color contrast and font changes.
Now your entire page should look something like this:
<!doctype html> <htmllang="en"> <head> <metacharset="utf-8"> <metahttp-equiv="x-ua-compatible"content="ie=edge"> <title>Coding For Rookies</title> <metaname="description"content="Coding for rookies Lifelong Learning U of U"> <metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <linkhref=""rel="stylesheet"integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u"crossorigin="anonymous"> </head> <body> <divclass="container"> <divclass="jumbotron"> <h1>Hello world! This is Coding for Rookies.</h1> <imgsrc=""alt="Kitten" /> </div> <formaction=""method="post"> <divclass="form-group"> <labelfor="firstName">Name:</label> <inputtype="text"class="form-control"name="firstName"value=""> </div> <divclass="form-group"> <labelfor="email">Email:</label> <inputtype="email"class="form-control"name="email"placeholder=""value=""> </div> <divclass="form-group"> <labelfor="subject">Subject:</label> <inputtype="text"class="form-control"name="subject"value=""> </div> <divclass="form-group"> <labelfor="textarea">Message:</label> <textareaclass="form-control"name="textarea"rows="8"cols="40"></textarea> </div> <buttontype="submit"class="btn btn-primary"name="button">Submit!</button> </form> </div> </body> </html>
Go ahead and play around with this and try implementing some more tags and seeing if you can get them to submit to your email.
Extra resources
My favorite book on HTML (and CSS) is HTML & CSS by John Duckett. If you read this entire book back to front, and do the exercises along the way, you’ll have an excellent foundation in these languages.
If you want a more extensive introduction to HTML, try out the course on FreeCodeCamp. This is a wonderful free online course that is far superior to others like Codecademy, but don’t hesitate trying others too.
Learn more about how HTML forms work by reading this article.
Create a new folder called “week3” and open it up in Atom by selecting File > Add project folder. Then create a new file in that folder by right-clicking it and selecting “New file.” Name the file “index.html” and select it.
Copy the HTML from week 1 and paste it into the new file.
Create another new file in the same folder called “styles.css,” and leave it blank for now.
Now link the CSS file to the HTML file by adding the line <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> just before the closing <head> tag.
We are going to be switching between both files quite often which is common for development. Keep both files open in Atom, and create a <header> element inside the body, and fill it in with the navigation structure we see in most websites.
We are introducing semantic tags which help with user accessibility and developer readability, so we know exactly what each tag in the structure means.
Here we have created a navigation with a logo image (pulled from and an unordered list with a couple links - one that links internally on the same page and another that links externally to Google.
Cross-browser compatibility
Now lets go back to the CSS file. First we will do a couple boilerplate styles to our page that will help it stay consistent across different browsers.
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* { vertical-align: top; }
body { margin: 0; }
These styles ensure that all elements start their content at the top of the element which isn’t always default in every browser, and that there is no default margin around the body causing unwanted whitespace bordering the page.
This is a minimal version of what is known as a CSS reset.
Anatomy of a CSS rule
Each style block in CSS is called a rule. A rule starts with a selector followed by a declaration which is denoted by the curly braces {}. Inside the declaration are properties with values.
Lets style the header we created in the HTML. In your CSS file under the body declaration:
When we have more than one selector listed next to each other, we are using CSS’s specificity to drill into exactly the element that is nested inside the previous selector and style that.
When we have commas between selectors, we are telling CSS to apply the style to each individual selector separated by the commas.
Add each property one by one, and save and reload your page to see the styles being applied so you get the feel of what each one does.
A good place to find colors for CSS is at CSS defines most colors in hexadecimal, and this is a nice place to see a color and copy the code for it. Choose any color and paste it in the background-color property of the header rule.
Building and styling the rest of our page
Add a banner section to our page with a fun little style gimmick called parallax.
Add the following HTML underneath the closing </header> tag:
Since our section has a class of “banner” we can use that as a selector with the “dot notation” (like section.banner) in our CSS.
The background url is just a Placekitten image which we fix to the background of the section allowing for other content to scroll over it creating our parallax effect.
In order to see the effect, we need to add more content. Lets add the About section to our page underneath the previous banner section we created:
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<sectionid="about"> <p>Occupy meggings subway tile poutine, bitters slow-carb trust fund XOXO master cleanse venmo. Occupy fap etsy, pour-over brooklyn snackwave blue bottle VHS. Helvetica marfa brooklyn, pok pok deep v hammock +1 actually mlkshk lomo swag activated charcoal cliche ethical selfies. Yr taxidermy austin pop-up salvia, sustainable asymmetrical kickstarter wayfarers plaid succulents craft beer jean shorts. PBR&B affogato air plant, art party umami kickstarter heirloom literally letterpress biodiesel blue bottle next level. Truffaut retro man bun, fap unicorn jianbing blog franzen tacos keytar tumeric pug meditation beard cliche. Fap keffiyeh mlkshk drinking vinegar, chillwave hella prism put a bird on it neutra readymade tbh forage deep v microdosing cold-pressed. </p> </section>
I got that placeholder text from hipster ipsum, a silly take on Lorem ipsum which has been used as placeholder text for design purposes since time immemorial.
Notice the id of “about” in this section - this will correspond to our anchor tag (hyperlink) from the header section where we use the id notation (like #about), and the click of that link will bring you to this section.
Lets style that section. Since we only have one p tag in our page, we don’t have to specify what it’s HTML parent is for illustration purposes, although it is good practice to do so.
Notice the semantic tag footer as has been our habit throughout this page.
The href attribute of the a tag here is not a web hyperlink, but we let the browser know that it is a telephone number by the “tel:” prefix. Open this page on your phone if you’re hosting it, and you should see that link takes you to dial out at that number.
Use the same background color as the header for consistency, and a contrasting color for the font.
Final touches
We can use a couple more styles that will help with user experience, like a better font throughout the page and a way to know what text is hyperlinked.
In the body declaration, add font-size: 22px; and font-family: 'Helvetica', sans-serif; for a nicer default font.
Open the downloaded folder in Atom and look through the files. You’ll see some HTML and CSS already set up, and an empty JS file.
Look through the HTML and CSS for a review, and open the file in Chrome to see what it looks like.
Open the JS file in the boilerplate you downloaded and write console.log('Hello world!') then save it and reload your browser, then open up the chrome dev tools and select “console” from the right pane. You should see your first JavaScript program!
Copy this one piece at a time into your JS file. Try to see what each line does, and play around with the game. See what other things you can do with this.
// I'm a comment! var answer = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 50); var form = document.querySelector('form'); var input = document.querySelector('input'); var response = document.querySelector('.response'); var response = $('.response') console.log(answer);
document.addEventListener('submit', checkGuess);
functioncheckGuess (event) { event.preventDefault(); var guess = input.value; if (guess == answer) { response.textContent = guess + " is correct!"; = "#27ae60"; } elseif (guess > answer + 10) { response.textContent = guess + " is WAY too high!"; = "#f39c12"; } elseif (guess > answer) { response.textContent = guess + " is too high!"; = "#f39c12"; } elseif (guess < answer - 10) { response.textContent = guess + " is WAY too low!"; = "#f39c12"; } elseif (guess < answer) { response.textContent = guess + " is too low!"; = "#f39c12"; } else { response.textContent = guess + " is not a number!!!!"; = "#c0392b"; } }